Blond Goose transitioned my brand into the online age —their work brought back old customers that haven’t bought from me in 10+ years and more importantly attracted new clientele.
David Nourafshan
president, lawrence of la brea
"Tallie is an all star and asset. She is always one step ahead and brings fresh ideas to the table. She thinks inclusively which adds great value to her audience. Highly recommend!"
Jillian Willson
Founder, YOLO Pup
"Our ratings and viewers have increased in the past 6 months. Great company to work with!"
Nicholas Aboolian
Co-founder, hollywood hills recovery
"Nam id dui fermentum, vestibulum est non, fermentum erat. Aenean in consectetur ligula nunc."
Elsa Darton
Soho Club
"Duis tincidunt elit fringilla diam vestilum, nec cursus ex tempor. Pellen maximus consequat."
Proin euismod, urna vitae auctor venenatis, mi metus consectetur est, non rutrum sapien eros non mauris. Praesent ex felis, bibendum vel a, aliquet iaculis nunc. Pellentesque neque dolor, pretium ac ligula in.